Here are a few highlights of my most recent work.
To learn more about what I offer, visit my services page.


Website builds & management

Skyrock Projects:

I helped Skyrock Projects—a STEAM learning school—redesign and launch their website. The main priority was to create a site that clearly explained their learning products and made it easy and compelling for parents to sign up and purchase.

What I've done at Skyrock:
Site build and formatting, graphic design, motion graphics, Video production and editing, photography management, content organization, and copy support, social media content creation, and marketing collaboration.

Skyrock Projects is now Atomic Kids.

Atomic Kids:

I helped Atomic Kids build and launch a fast and fun website. The main priority to get parents informed and excited for upcoming summer learning camps and to help them register with ease.

What I've done at Skyrock:
Site build and formatting, graphic design, motion graphics, Video production and editing, photography management, content organization, and copy support, social media content creation, and marketing collaboration.

Ongoing project

Bei city:

I helped Bei city productions build and launch their new website showcasing their video and photographic brand work.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, content organization, and copy support.


I helped Esmetex build and launch their new platform showcase site. The main priority was to create a showcase site that featured a technological look and feel that was appealing and dynamic.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, graphic design, motion graphics animations, Video production, sourcing and purchasing photography, photography enhancing, content organization, and copy support.

On-going project with regular updates and maintenance.

Artboard 1.jpg

Muzhome Wines:

I helped Muzhome Wines build and launch a new wine commerce site. The main priority was to create a commerce site with a modern new look and feel that could slowly become a place for sharing more than just wine—stories and wine content for sharing.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, graphics and logo design, sourcing and purchasing photography, photography enhancing, content organization, and copywriting.

On-going project with regular updates and maintenance.



I helped Frontier build and launch their new textile platform website. The main priority was to have a new site up quickly that not only looked great but communicated to two separate lines of customers who use the product in very different ways.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, sourcing and purchasing photography, photography edits, content organization and copywriter collaboration.

On-going project with regular updates and maintenance.


Priscilla Vay Rooyen:

I helped Priscilla refresh her previous website with a new look and feel. The main priority was to create something simple and attractive that reflected her personal aesthetic and could be built up over time.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, graphic design and logo design, photography edits, content organization and copywriting.

On-going project with regular updates and maintenance.


FUMU Taipei:

I helped FUMU build and launch their new restaurant / bar website. The main priority was to have a new website up quickly, at low cost, that could be expanded over time as their concept and business grows.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, content organization and photographer and team collaboration.

On-going project with updates and maintenance.


Diana Lai Yoga:

I’m helping Diana to rethink and launch her yoga teaching hub and platform while maintaining an up-to-date presence in an ever-evolving industry. Her main priority is to provide a place for students and fans to discover her latest events and workshops, while sharing all of her social media in one smart place.

What I've done here:
Site build and formatting, photography edits and enhancements, content organization and creation, and social media integration.

On-going project with regular updates and maintenance.



Asana Seekers:

Asana Seekers is a platform for sharing yoga adventures and inspiring yogis to travel and attend yoga retreats and trainings. Asana Seekers wanted a platform for sharing content in a simple yet unique way that could scale up or down as their needs changed.

What I've done here:
Site development, photography, video, writing, and social media integration and development.

On-going project with updates and maintenance.


Featured branded content


Duopel “Doing More” Branded Content Campaign:
Of all the projects I've been a part of recently, this is the one I enjoyed working on the most. We collaborated with such a diverse group of designers who all did amazing work and made this branded project amazing. 

What I’ve done here:
Concept pitch, story creation & planning, project management, writing. 


Explore each designers page by clicking their image below:

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 4.15.23 PM.png

Featured photography direction

When I was working at ARS Advertising in Michigan, as a Creative Director for Gladiator GarageWorks, I had the opportunity to direct this photography. I put this here because it still represents some of the work I'm most proud of. At the time, the idea of customizing a garage for a specific activity was pretty innovative. Nobody had thought of painting garage walls before. I'm not working for Gladiator anymore, but they are still using this photography style.

What I've done here: Creative Direction, set design, product selection, shot planning.


Featured Video Work

In addition to building up the entire digital marketing platform for getchee, I was asked to create a lot of videos. We had no money, just a few cheap cameras, a bad mic and my editing skills. While the videos are far from perfect, I'm proud of what we did with absolutely nothing at that time.

What I've done here: Filming, Editing, Animation.
Tools I used: Canon EOS, Premier Pro, Photoshop, AfterEffects


Featured Communications Strategy

The following work represents samples of communications work I've done, mostly on behalf of DDG Taipei. Communications work includes brand naming, product naming, slogans, tag-lines, and brand messaging. The bulk of this brand work can be explored on the DDG work page which includes the full brand case studies for most of these projects. 

What I've done here: Creative brand writing